About Me

I teach Computer Science / Engineering, Communications Technology and Tech Design with the Toronto District School Board. My foci in the classroom are teaching programming, problem solving, making and the design process.

I believe in learning-by-doing and building up from first principles. I teach my classes using a variety of techniques including project and enquiry based learning. I strive to teach equitably to a diverse set of students.

I am interested in programming using Python, Processing, P5.js, graphic design and visualization. I also enjoying working with the Arduino and electronics.

I have presented frequently at conferences and workshops in these areas.

Prior to teaching I built web applications at the Art Gallery of Ontario, University Health Network and with my own design company 16kB. I was the Program Director at CFRC-FM, Queen’s Radio and the Advertising Manager at the Campus Bookstore at Queen’s University.

During university I was a programmer at Queen’s Radio and did graphic design work for various bands, DJ events and artists in Kingston. I designed a built an early website focused on electronic music featuring interviews with Orbital, DJ Spooky, Global Communications and Spacetime Continuum, with record reviews and interviews written by friends. We were reviewed in The Wire, a UK music publication, were featured in the Tower Records magazine and in the Radio NOVA magazine in France.

My teaching portfolio is online at: https://tinyurl.com/e9m687cb